I have been building an e46 325i drift car and have recently put an inline hydro e-brake in. It worked perfectly for about a month, but tonight i pulled it and there was zero brake pressure and the foot pedal also stopped working momentarily, and now the hydro will not work whatsoever (no pressure) but the foot brakes work just fine. What could possibly be the issue? Keep in mind it was working perfectly, and the foot brake still works fine. Thanks {}
Has the push rod on the hydro master cylinder worked its way in or out of the fork? Is there a lock nut on it to prevent it from coming loose like on mine here? On my DW's one I had to find the right adjustment of the of the push rod so the piston lines up correctly to get both hydro and foot working. Press your foot brake and then see if theres any pressure when you pull the hydro. That will let you know if the hydro master cylinder is good or faulty. {}
Thanks for the reply, yes the hydro is solid when the foot brake is pressed and the push rod is all good, so that means the master cylinder is bad?
It sounds like you have air in the system. Jack the rear wheels up and see if the foot brake is actually locking the wheels when pressed. Then try bleeding your brakes again, foot brake then hydro. Your hydro is slightly higher than the rear wheel cylinders so its possible that air could of made it back up to the hydro cylinder. Theres pressure on the hydro when your brake is pressed so I'd say the hydro cylinder is good, if there was no pressure and it was flopping about slack then its faulty.
Haven't had a chance to jack up the rear yet but the issue seems to be intermittent, the hydro works sometimes if the brakes are pumped etc etc so it seems like air in the system. Is there a particular best practice for bleeding the hydro and brakes?