I've ebayed it, hope it gets sold!! http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=4566796923&rd=1&sspagename=STRK:MESE:IT&rd=1 Trueno GTV: Was my mates car, Celica SS2 actually!
Hi Mykkk Seiko Bligh told me about this car you were selling, do you know her??? I work with her husband Anyway good luck with the sale D.
Ha she emailed me about an AE86 for sale, and I was like how much??? Could never turn down jus asking She knew I was on the look out for a Dori Silvia so thats why she must ave mentioned it
Still looking to sell this baby. Will take any sensible offers above £5k. PM me...if u want to make an offer or if u want more pics.
Car is still for sale. Come on guys, car with supremely low mileage and A1 condition. It's a bargain.
I am interested in your 86. A mint condition 86 is great since I haven't been able to find many. How much would you consider selling this beautiful 86 to me for in american dollars? An 86 has always been my dream to own, especially a Trueno, and yours is a beaut! Gives me goosebumps just looking at it. So, how much could I safely get that for in american dollars?
Aww man, thats too bad I really like your awesome ride. To tell the truth, I was looking for a good drifting car because, I haven't heard of many good american drif cars, especially not affordable ones. So when I saw your 86, my eyes boggled at actually seeing one. Anyway, I'm sorry to hear that you can't ship it to the US. As a last request, could you give me a good link to getting a 86 Trueno or Levin? Hope your move goes as planned, and PM me if you change your mind. Thanks a lot TurboTrueno
I would like to have a look at the car, im definately interested if it is still available? if so how can i contact you. I live in north london so i am not that far from you. Also you said that you have lowered the asking price, so how much are you after?