just been to a "classics on the common" car show in a rural very middle/upper class village - police were out, had police cadets that must have been about 13 marshalling, loads of community support guys and the odd real copper. They were being pretty laid back about people giving a bit of showmanship for the crowd. In fact, they parked a van in the center of the road at one end just to discourage people from driving like total twats and didn't bother doing much else. We did a few burnouts, made plenty of noise, had no problems at all. My friend who is a police officer was there, had to leave to go to work, just had a text saying that people have started throwing objects at the police - to be honest - I think the police did a great job of chilling out and letting everyone have a good time, its when things go a bit too far or its time to call it a night (its a residential village center) and then idiots start playing up they have to get the arse. Believe it or not, police are normal humans, I've met more than enough dickheads that aren't police to know that its not the job that makes them.
9 years of driving, never been pulled (touch wood). I don't drive like an angel either, but time and a place and all that? I don't see why you would get pulled if you're driving along totally normally.
Countless times. Mostly because they're penis's. In fact my favourite I can remember off the top of my head was in a 100% standard (barring LPG) and very tidy 5dr Mk2 Golf GTI... Copper in unmarked Octavia VRS- Got any ID on you sir? Me- Yep (gives him passport, driving licence, all sorts) Copper- Do you know why we pulled you over sir? Me- Nope Copper- We followed you from (an area I wasn't even in) and we expected you to speed off as soon as you got to the dual carriageway, but you didn't, so we decided to pull you anyway. Me- Oh... Plenty of times where they just decided to make up a reason for a pull that didnt exist (and often wouldve been impossible to happen or impossible for them to see), and then after wasting your time for ages just let you go without even a telling off as they know it didnt even happen. I've been pulled for naughty things a few times, but I've been pulled for no actual reason far more. Amazed some people haven't.
Thing you have to remember is that if they have a policy of randomly pulling over modified car drivers, then they'll get a reasonable hit rate for catching people doing things wrong. I'm talking about banned/unlicensed drivers, no insurance, unroadworthy cars, driving under the influence of drugs or drink, and so on. Yeah, it's a pain in the arse when it happens, and I know that some can have a pretty shitty attitude even when they discover you're doing nothing wrong, but I think it's a fair trade off for the sake of keeping bellends off the road. I know it's tempting to think that they just hate people in modified cars and enjoy giving people grief, but honestly, they wouldn't do it if it didn't generate results. Plus, judging by the cars some of you drive, if I was a copper and I saw you driving along, I'd instantly assume that they were dangerous and unroadworthy as well. If you want to have the car milimetres from the floor with wheels out to here and bumpers full of holes and held together with cable ties, that's totally up to you. But you have to accept that to the average person your car looks like a rolling death machine.
And there is the name for my new metal band!!! Thanks for that I hve been pulled countless times but that is down to where i live and i accept that . I have ever had a point from a traffic stop , its always been cameras that i have fucked my self over with
I got pulled twice when i owned my mk4 supe, the first just wanted to know the name of the bodykit it had on so i thought heh cool beans, but the second pulled me as soon as i pulled out of the petrol station banged on my window and was a total arsehole, "you kid with your big cars on ya dads insurance isnt right" my reply was way my dads dead and my mothers an oap i pay for my shit! obviously didnt go down well so his next reply was "i`m surprised you can hear me with those speakers! young`ins racing around with race music blasting out the back" so which i simpley pressed play on my cd player and half way into the song came "Suddenly" by Billy ocean, so he told me to keep my speed down and walked off, baring in mind i had only just left the petrol station i must have been going about 10mph if that!
Same as Andy, and Ive been driving longer than that.Not saying Im a saint but as Andy said, time and a place.
I've been driving 14 years. Dont think the ratio of pulled for a reason or pulled cause they feel like it has changed either.
Police are pricks. Someone who has never been in anything more exciting than a 2 liter Ford Focus gets to judge your driving and decide if you are going to fast or being dangerous? Seems legit. The few times myself or friends have called upon them for help with non-road crimes they've been 100% useless. Literally rock bottom respect for these guys. I'm sure there are some good ones out there, but I'm yet to meet them.
A while ago a copper pulled me and gave me a fine for not wearing a seatbelt. The thing is i fucking was, always have, always will. The other thing is, there was no way in hell (they was always behind me and to the left, and the car has high rear headrests) they couldve seen if I did or not anyhow. Anyhow, cock all I could do so I took the fine. Annoyingly, my Mrs's friend and her husband are both coppers, her husband is traffic. I told him about it (it was too late by then, paid it, but was talking), and he said... "Fuck that, lots of 'em do things like that, it's a pisstake. You should've fought it, if there was no cameras operational you would've won, if there was the cameras would've proved you were right, either way, they would've let it go." So yeah, some are bellends and even some others know it.
I hate the police. I hate how if you smile and make eye contact your fucked. I gave way to one of the cunts in my dads village in remote location, I saw him turning around too come after. Which meant I was forced too drop the hammer in order to not have my time wasted.
I saw 2 cops trying to drift a vectra round a roundabout a few years back, they had the sirens blaring and were laughing their fucking arses off. It was quite hilarious, they gave up after 3 rotations when they realised that they might eventually understeer into a lampost and went on their merry way to where ever the emergency was, sirens still blaring.
The only times i have been pulled is when i was doing something stupid. the only time i had a bit of trouble was when i had my 72 Dodge Charger and the tax disc had fallen off and slid under the seat (it was tax exempt). I got pulled and invited into the back of the patrol car to be told i was was be done for driving with no tax, when i pointed out it was tax exempt they replied it was not because it was registerd in 1985. I then pointed out that thats when it was imported into the UK. "I dont belive you sir" "I can prove it" says I "How?" says rather arsey copper, at this point i got into a arsey mood as well "go to the car and bring back the book on the seat and i can prove it" off he trundles and brings back said book, it was the "Big Book of Chargers"...i have forgotten the real title but its close. i point out the 72 model and the 85 model.... huge difference. "oh"...says he, "but where is the tax disc?" "i think it under the seat." and he helped me look for it, found it and then spent the next 20 minutes talking about the Dukes Of Hazzard!
Ive been driving 16 years now (shit the bed) and got pulled innumerate times when I was 17/18 and had a Fiesta or a Nova, generally regardless of how I was driving, it was literally once a week at one stage. Bought a tidy Orion LX and touch wood havent been pulled since apart from when Ive been doing something wrong, this is driving on the same roads as well.
I find complaining like shit helps... Since I opened up all this 'corrupt police in Aberdeen' shit, voice recorded all conversations and pointed out to the courts how the Grampian police have been illegall fining people and issuing points for shit thats not actually illegal.. I got a lawyer and only last week had the complaints commisioner on the blower wanting more info and the phone calls .. funny, Iv not had annnny hassle since. Gone from being pulled over on average 2 times a week; followed on my daily commute and sitting outside my house every few evenings... to nothing. Dont be nice to them. Dont do what they say, tell them your not saying shit without a lawyer. I have to do that now. As when I played the Mr Nice card like so many 'Internet' people say to do.. it got me points and fines.. as soon as I stood up for myself and stopped letting them speak to me like shit.. iv been fine. Seriously, fuck them. There out to get people. There out to FIND problems, to HUNT for people, They are not there to help you or save the day. Never once have I seen the police do anything helpful.. fuck me when I had a car crash few months ago I was uttery stunned by the police. So were all my friends who where there to witness that prick.. Cop shows up, Explain the situation, He was really fine with us, spoke to us in a calm voice right up until the exact second, that 2 other officers showed up and it flipped like a coin. He was asking me for my details to which I told him my name.. 2 cops stood next to me and he went mental.. Swearing, shouting, "Im not a fucking robot! Do I look like a fucking robot!? Im going to start again; and this time how about you give me the correct details and dont speak so fast." (Eh, he spelt it wrong not me. I was also in shock.. I just had a fucking car crash ffs.) ¬___¬ Trying to act the big shot infront of his 'mates'.. My friends stood there with there mouths open.. couldnt believe his attitude. Fuck the police. There in it for themselfs. Simple as that. Iv said it before, it sounds like most of you from down south have it easy compared to the wankers up here.
there is more speed cameras on a 150 mile trip to aberdeen from my house, than a 450 mile trip to bristol
I have been driving 10 year and have only been pulled up once and that was when I was 18 because I had under car neons on lol. I have had coppers follow me a few times but that's the only time Iv been pulled, actually no, I went passed one of them tax disc reading vans about 6years ago and it saw my out of date tax disc so a biker cop pulled me up, I showed him the new tax disc taped above the holder and off he went lol, pretty lame story tbh. Never had a bad experience with the police. Maybe just my area.
It's really hit and miss here in NZ, some cops really hate modified cars and take the Australian stance and check over it with a fine tooth comb while others simply don't give a fuck unless you're doing something completely wrong. We have two stickers here, green and pink. Green is not so bad you can drive it home, fix the issue and clear it with the cops, pink is a bitch and is to do with more serious safety problems and involves getting a new wof (your mot). We do have things to counter this, it's called a low volume vehicle certification, where you pay 400 bucks and get all your mads checked over and a small alloy plate is riveted to your engine bay so when you get pulled over you just show the cop that, providing you've not changed anything since the cert the cop can't do fuck all. There is also an exhaust noise cert here. Cert plate can state many thing including; adjustable suspension and arms, engine conversions, brake upgrades, car lower than 100mm, seats wheels ect. Most country cops around here wouldn't bother looking at your cert plate but all the city ones will. Generally if you're polite to them they will good to you and leave you alone.
Got pulled over under the suspicion i was going to 'smoke drugs', pointed at the muddy floor of my car and firstly accused me of it being cannabis, proceeded to call me 'unhealthily skinny' for my age to which i stated he was grossly overweight and short, threatened to be arrested, both calmed down and nothing more was said. Lovely.